What to Eat in Pregnancy

Information about what to eat when you are pregnant including important nutrients and which supplements are recommended.
Most of us don’t need to make major changes in our diets but there are some nutrients that are particularly important when you are pregnant.

Folic acid

Taking extra folic acid before you become pregnant and in the first three months can help prevent birth defects, known as neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. The government recommends all women who are considering pregnancy to take
a 400 microgram folic acid tablet every day until the 12 week of pregnancy. At the same time taking more foods containing folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables, fortified breakfast cereals, wholemeal bread and brown rice. Some breakfast cereals, breads and margarines have had folic acid added to them, so it’s worth looking at the labels.
Even if you didn’t take folic acid beforehand, it is worth starting as soon as you find out that you are pregnant, and continue to do so until you are 12 weeks pregnant. If you have had a baby with spina bifida before, if you take medicine for epilepsy, have diabetes or coeliac disease, you will need to take a higher dose of folic acid, so you will need to see your doctor.
Supplements are available from pharmacies and supermarkets or your own GP or other prescriber may be able to prescribe them for you.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is naturally found in only a few foods including oily fish and liver, eggs, with small amounts in butter and margarine. Pregnant women are recommended not to eat liver as it can contain too much vitamin A.  Most of our vitamin D is made in the skin when we’re out in the sunshine. However, in this country the sunshine is only strong enough in the summer between about 11am to 3pm. This is exactly when we are covering up or putting on sun block to avoid burning, so many of us do not have enough vitamin D in our bodies.
Vitamin D is important for many purposes in the body; it is needed to help absorb calcium from foods and to build bones as well as in the immune system. This is why the government recommends that pregnant and breastfeeding women all take vitamin D supplements of 10micrograms a day.

Healthy Start

If you are on benefits have a very low income or you are under 18, you are can get  Healthy Start vouchers to buy fruit, milk and vegetables. You should also receive free vitamin supplements which include folic acid and vitamin D and vitamin C. Your midwife should give you a form to claim the vouchers.


We need iron in our diets to make healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body and to the baby.  If our red blood cells are not healthy, we may be pale, feel tired, headachy, breathless, weak and dizzy. These are the symptoms of anaemia.
Many women start pregnancy with low iron stores or slightly anaemic. Your blood will be tested at your first appointment, and you will be advised to take iron supplements if you need them. Increasing the amount of iron in your diet may help you to avoid having supplements, which can as they can cause constipation and interfere with the absorption of other nutrients. Good sources of iron include red meat, kidney, fortified breakfast cereals, bread, pulses such as baked beans and kidney beans, eggs and green vegetables.

Vitamin B12

Women who don’t eat many foods from animals, who follow a very limited or vegan diet need to take extra care during pregnancy to meet all their nutritional needs.  If you don’t eat dairy products you can get calcium from dark green leafy vegetables, tofu made with calcium, tahini, molasses and fortified soya milk. A vitamin B12 supplement or fortified foods will also be important for anyone not eating foods from animals.
The  Centre for Pregnancy Nutrition at the University of Sheffield has good information and a range of free leaflets on healthy eating during and after pregnancy. Call 0845 130 3646
NHS Choices website
The Vegetarian Society produce a pregnancy and baby guide.  Call 0161 925 2000