Coping With A Birth Disorder In Your Child

If you have a child who has been diagnosed with a serious birth disorder, this is an extremely trying time in your life. You have many challenges ahead of you, both physical and emotional. Right now you are probably on an emotional roller coaster ride, and are having difficulty just getting through the day. Here are some tips that will hopefully help you deal with the adjustments in your life.

Learn all that you can about your child's disorder
It's going to be painful to hear the details, but knowledge is power. You can cope better with that which you understand, so learn as much as possible. If your child's birth disorder is one that has a nationally recognized foundation, like Down syndrome, contact them. They can be a wealth of knowledge and support.

Give yourself permission to grieve
This is not what you expected, and you need to mourn the perfect, healthy baby you planned. .....More